Wilbur A. Lam, M.D., Ph.D. is a physician-scientist-engineer who is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Biomedical Engineering (with tenure) at Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology and a physician at the Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, where he also serves as Chief Innovation Officer of the Pediatric Technology Center of Georgia Tech and Children’s. Dr. Lam obtained his B.A. from Rice University, his M.D. from Baylor College of Medicine, and his bioengineering Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley and University of California, San Francisco, where he also completed his clinical training in pediatrics and pediatric hematology/oncology. Dr. Lam’s interdisciplinary laboratory serves as a unique “one-stop shop” in which they develop microsystems- and smartphone-based platforms to study and diagnose pediatric and blood diseases and then directly translate those technologies to his patients. With an interest in patient-operated diagnostics, the Lam Lab is also dedicated to further developing their technologies as novel “cheap tech” solutions to enable and empower pediatric patients to more easily monitor their own diseases at home and in the global health and rural settings. Dr. Lam has also co-founded and serves as chief medical officer for two medical device startups based on his laboratory’s research. In addition, Dr. Lam is Director of the Innovation Catalyst of the NCATS-funded Georgia Clinical & Translational Science Alliance and a principal investigator of the Atlanta Center for Microsystems Engineered Point-Of-Care Technologies (ACME POCT), which is part of the NIBIB Point-of-Care Technologies Research Network. Among other honors, Dr. Lam has been elected into the American Society of Clinical Investigation, named an Emerging Investigator by the journal Lab-On-a-Chip published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, is recipient of an NSF Career Award as well as the American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology’s Frank A. Oski Memorial Lectureship Award and an Emerging Investigator Award by the NHLBI of the NIH. His laboratory’s research is funded by the NIH, NSF, FDA, the American Heart Association, the Coulter Foundation, the Department of Defense, and the Georgia Research Alliance.