Call for Papers
IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)
Special Issue on
Healthcare Innovations and Point-of-Care Technologies (HI-POCT) 2020
JTEHM is an open-access journal indexed in PubMed, Scopus, and IEEE Xplore.
Deadline for Full Paper Submission: March 15, 2020
Publication Date: September 2020
We are pleased to announce the JTEHM 2020 Special Issue on Healthcare Innovations and Point-of-Care Technologies (HI-POCT). Accepted papers will be published in September/October 2020 in the IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM).
The JTEHM HI-POCT 2020 special issue will focus on technologies for personalized health, disease detection and real-time patient monitoring to address pressing unmet medical needs.
This Call for Papers (CFP) invites all researchers from academia and industry, clinicians and healthcare providers, and innovators to submit scientific and translational research papers within the general scope of JTEHM in the following thematic areas (but not limited to):
- Health and wellness across the lifespan (including pain management, disease prevention, immunosenescence, frailty, fatigue, sarcopenia)
- Tools for real-time patient monitoring for chronic disease or health conditions (e.g., re-emergence of disease or infection, measuring responses to treatment)
- Earlier diagnosis of infection and rapid drug susceptibility testing to enable effective initiation of treatment, reduce transmission, and reduce the development of anti-microbial resistance
- Earlier detection/prediction of disease or toxicity to facilitate earlier intervention
- Wearable/implantable technology
- Microphysiological systems, Tissue- or Organ-on-chip platforms
- Nanotechnology
- Omics technologies – identify needs for moving these capabilities to point of care level
- RNA/DNA detection (stem-loop probes, CRISPR/Cas, synthetic biology)
- Biosensors – physiological, chemical, molecular, exosomes, non-blood biospecimens (sweat/skin, hair, urine, oral fluid, interstitial fluid)
- Environmental sensors
- Imaging – whole body PET, retinal imaging
- Deployable tools for in-home or remote monitoring
- Data integration, predictive analytics, EHR interoperability and aggregators
- Artificial intelligence, machine learning applications
- Paper-based diagnostics
The CFP also invites and encourages presenters and attendees of the NIH-IEEE/EMB 2019 Special Topics Conference on Healthcare Innovations and Point-of-Care Technologies ( held at the NIH Natcher Conference Center from November 20 through November 22, 2019, to submit expanded manuscripts from the conference with additional significant results and discussion for consideration of publication in the JTEHM special issue.
It is expected that papers submitted for consideration of publication in the special issue will emphasize translational engineering and demonstrate a clear path toward potential clinical or general healthcare application. All papers will be reviewed following the JTEHM review policy through the editorial board as posted on the journal website
The submission and review deadlines are as follows:
Submission of Full Papers: March 15, 2020
Completion of First Review: May 15, 2020
Submission of Revised Manuscripts: June 15, 2020
Submission of Final Version of Accepted Manuscripts: July 15, 2020
Publication of JTEHM Special Issue: September 2020
Please direct any questions or inquires to Steven Schachter, Clinical Editor, JTEHM, by email at